live your soul potential

This human world can be tough! Right now you may be feeling stuck, wounded or hurting- or perhaps feeling like something is missing. But at your deepest, most essential self, i assure you that you are already whole and complete! When you discover who you really are and live more aligned with your authentic self, it is much easier to live your soul potential.

You are both human and Soul. Learning to balance your human nature with Soul awareness is a journey of growth and self-love. Soul growth is through human experience , which often takes us out of our comfort zone! Experiencing self- critical thoughts or human emotions such as fear, anger, sadness, confusion or grief can be overwhelming or exhausting at times.

As part of the spiritual growth journey, it is important to acknowledge and be present with your experience. To learn how to self nurture with love and care, to embrace your human story but not be limited by it. Change occurs by letting go of your old identity stories, emotional burdens and limited belief systems, bringing you back home to the truth of who you really are.

Are you aware of what your inner spirit- (Soul) longs for in your current challenge? Would you like to approach your challenges from a higher consciousness, from your Soul’s perspective?

Please remember, when this human world gets you down, there is hope! You don’t need to stay stuck or in emotional pain, i can help you to shift from feeling lost and dissatisfied with human life to feeling more of your Soul’s essence – wisdom, joy, love and connection. To awaken to your true nature and transform your life to live your soul potential.

Did you know research shows that holistic practices and techniques such as; Meditation, Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, EFT, Nature and Energy Healing can create change at cellular level, both mentally and physiologically? Resulting in a more resilient, happier and less anxious or stressed approach to life with greater self compassion and wisdom.

As a transformation Soul Coach, it’s my greatest joy to help you learn how to transform the way you think, feel, love, work and play-allowing you to awaken to and embody more completely who you really are. To shift from lack/separation to unity consciousness. To embrace your own inner light and move from suffering to the wholeness of your being so you can live your soul potential.


Nicole is such a warm and generous teacher. She makes everyone feel comfortable and safe in the space. The meditation classes are so relaxing and beautiful, particularly the focus on nature. Her mindfulness course was very insightful & relevant. – Annabel

Nicole is an amazing woman can’t recommend her more. I first met Nicole around 8 years ago at her guided meditation class and found her to be very professional yet friendly and flexible in the way she guided the group through visualisation exercises. As a result I was feeling calmer, sleeping better and interacted better with others. She gave me the tools to practice mindfulness outside of the class too and that helped me a lot! Top lady and I think she is a rare gem in terms of meditation teachers! – Kishin

Nicole, put me at ease, from the moment I arrived, helping me to gently release & relax. I would recommend Nicole & Access Bars, to anyone, wanting to let go of any issues, who are ready to find peace, & healing on a deep level. Thanks Nicole – Gai

Nicole is a gorgeous woman, nurturing and insightful. After one session with her I felt calmer and more at peace than I have in years. Left with so much clarity and tools to assist me. Thanks so much.- Susan 

Nicole is a fantastic meditation teacher. As soon as you meet her you can tell straight away she is totally into meditation and mindfulness. Exactly what I was looking for. -Kevin

Since working with Nicole, it has been a year of ease and prosperity within my life and business, like never before. I engaged Nicole to help me increase sales within my business and establish more consistency. Since then, I have had my best year ever and with the month-to-month consistency that I have been looking for. I am happy to recommend Nicole to anyone who would like to increase their life potential. -Norm


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