Mother Nature Comes Alive Within

As i sat in my backyard one day and reflected on the unease in my body, I felt that familiar irritation of discontent. I could observe my mind was busy and i felt far from centered and present.

No matter how much you try to will yourself through the mind to relax, force never brings peace. So i brought my awareness into the present moment…let go of judgement…focused on my breathing and observed  my body relax and mind slow down. All those wonderful Mindfulness techniques that i know so well. 

Ahhhh..then there was a shift i could sense, a spaciousness opened up in me and i became immersed in the most magical experience!!


Nature spoke to me so easily when i was simply BEING and engaged in a felt sense of aliveness– read on to hear more!


As I sit in Nature’s still breeze, it appears asleep, with no movement of life. Quietness prevails.

However, perhaps is it ME who is the one asleep?

Below my feet nature and earth pulsate, moving silently with ripples of Telluric energy. It is vibrant and alive.

As I tune into this energy, it awakens me from my slumber of mental distraction and disconnection.

I bring down my barriers, let go of seeing with my thinking mind and open to a pure sensory delight!

My body tingles and I sense an openness unfold around me. A subtle opening into a dimension that exists as pure sensory experience, a way of being that no amount of thinking would ever achieve.

The sparkling leaves twinkle down at me as the sun throws rainbows of light in all directions. The breeze intimately caresses my skin, its coolness reawakening the innate aliveness that is within me.

The sweet chirping of birds transmits high notes of delight as I sense their delicate vibrations passing through me, recalibrating me to that lightness, pureness and deliciousness of Being.

I melt and merge into Mother Nature’s embrace. I am one with her and her with I.

There is a deep sense of peace…a wholeness…..a coming back home….a belonging fulfilled.

In this space my Soul’s energy flows into my human body, my heart opens and I expand into  radiant light.


Calmness deepens…timelessness prevails…..