
Shakti rising within me


Hello and welcome back to my blog fellow Souls!

It’s been quite some time since i posted and i felt called to write again, to share my love of connecting to the divine, the sacred in life.

Both within me and in my connection to Mother Nature.

Here I am, in transition yet again, starting another new chapter of my journey back to my true self.

After much research into what a spiritual transition is, I have chosen to ride this journey in the spirit of the Hero/Heroine’s Journey (Joseph Campbell)and it’s been like a tumultuous ride in an emotional washing machine!

I’m sharing a powerful experience i had last week whilst deep in my inner meditation working with shadow selves.

It was such a profound felt sense of being and deeply sensory that it took me by suprise!

How it all started….

It all started when i felt that powerful surge start to flow through my body.

It felt like constraints i had placed on myself starting to lift like old ropes snapping. The ropes of constraint and conditioning are getting too weak and brittle to hold the mighty surge of spirit, of source energy pouring forth like a deluge.

I  sense it like a waterfall flowing powerfully and smoothly.

It has begun!

I feel myself receiving these energies in my body.

They are deeply more real and intrinsic.

I feel it like the sea pouring within me, flowing, sculpting, caressing like ribbons of change flickering within my bones and flesh.

It is like a coming home within. My heart opens and receives this.

There is a freedom a strength. A knowing. A powerful knowing. I am alive in spirit. A returning of what I held back.

A strength of conviction of who I am . I am source energy manifested.

I feel it beat in my heart. Alive in every pulsation, every pump. I rejoice in it. I invite it in. It’s ecstatic return.

My body tingles. I feel pulsations in my shins and calves.

I know who I am.

I am source.

Source speaks to me….

“I have found my place within this vessel .

I speak through this vessel. I embody the qualities of love, of joy, of kindness.

Of powerful change from within this vessel.

I love the container of the flesh I am in, within this vessel.

I seek to flow and express through this vessel.

To dance the life of love through this vessel.”

Alive. Received. Loved. sensual.  knowing. Intelligently present.


Again Source speaks…..

“I see through the eyes of this vessel.

I see my creation through the eyes of this vessel.

I I feel the movement of energy of source flowing through this vessel

The sublime sensations that flicker and flow, travelling through flesh and nerve

Moving through my heart.

Eyes that are seen.

A voice that is heard.

Connection that is felt.


In All things

Exquisite in it’s belonging

Exquisite in its form

Exquisite in its existence


This experience speaks to me in waves of energy like a  familiar friend. I have felt this before.

An energy birthing through me. A presence that is knowing, grounded. Taking shape in my form but existing beyond my form.

Connected to all other things

All moments converging NOW.

All existence converging NOW.


For this I am humbled.

May it speak through me:

May it move through me

The sacred feminine.

A celebration of life

Of existence.

I would love to hear of your experiences of connection with Spirit that changed, transformed or inspired you!

With love and blessings on your journey,

Nicole x

Coming Back Home To Nature’s Wisdom

Nature has always been there to offer me it’s supportive presence, loving embrace and deep inherent wisdom, even at times when I was not consciously aware of it.  

As I travel back in time to my childhood years growing up in the outskirts of Lake Macquarie NSW surrounded by the expanse of the Australian Bush, my heart fondly

remembers the freedom that came with being able to spend hours on my bike out in nature on dry bush tracks,  riding past the occasional giant anthill and the native spiky

Grass Trees. Oh the simple childhood joy of long days in the forested Bush roaming, playing, building and discovering.


As I travel back in time to my childhood years growing up in the outskirts of Lake Macquarie NSW surrounded by the expanse of the Australian Bush, my heart fondly

remembers the freedom that came with being able to spend hours on my bike out in nature on dry bush tracks,  riding past the occasional giant anthill and the native spiky

Grass Trees. Oh the simple childhood joy of long days in the forested Bush roaming, playing, building and discovering.

Later on, in my teenage years I would often find solace with the large solitary Eucalyptus tree towards the end of my graveled street next to our backyard driveway.

Whenever I would be feeling emotional or simply overwhelmed with family life, I would run out of the yard and always stop unknowingly near this large tree for a sense of

space and calm.

Fast forward to my third decade of life and I am living in a small apartment in Melbourne. On a seemingly normal day I took a blanket and a book and went down to a

nearby open park to enjoy some space and sun. It was during this time I had an extraordinary experience with a nearby Gumtree that was completely unprecedented.


Not long after settling into the first chapter ‘something’ pulled my focus, shifting my awareness over to the tree. It happened quite suddenly and without any warning. It was

quite extraordinary and in an instant I sensed myself and the tree as the same, simultaneously as ONE. I could clearly sense the lifeforce energy that was running through

me was also intrinsic to this tree. We were one, I felt no sense of separation whatsoever, but a deep calmness and connectedness with something greater than myself.

The experience was vivid, clear and embodied. In looking back now, I would consider I experienced Oneness with that tree, awakening an inner knowing that had laid

dormant within. The fact that nature is sentient and conscious. Yet it was not until another 15 years or so later the pull to return to the oneness of nature would become more insistent …..

People ask if I’m afraid to be roaming out in nature, like it is some kind of terrible monster to be feared. Quite the opposite! I actually feel connected, safe and a sense of

belonging within its green ferny embrace and tall protective canopies. Each experience has opened up within me a deeper communication with nature and its wisdom.

It is like a wise elder that patiently holds the space for us to be present, to be mindful, to be inspired to move into the lightness of clarity and the realization that there is a

vastness of universal consciousness within nature that we too are part of.

Throughout my life’s journey I have had many cathartic experiences in nature that transcend the mundane, opening up a dimension of joy, renewal, healing, wisdom and

release. I know I have come full circle with nature and that our journey here on this planet requires us to reconnect back to our innate kindness and compassion and to the

healing power of nature itself.

We are not separate.

Into the Woods

Its amazing what the stillness of Meditation can create.

I often choose to go out in nature to Meditate as i find it so harmonious and connecting with nature helps me to reconnect to my true self. During a Meditation sitting against a Plum tree’s trunk,  the following  poem flowed into my mind. I found the experience quite empowering.

Please remember, we are all truly creative, each one of us creates our daily lives. That in itself is creation!

Creativity is an energy that flows in all of us.

Meditation and Mindfulness plus nature is a POWERFUL trio– add in heartfulness and gratitude to the mix and anything is possible!


Into the misty woods I go

to seek and find what I already know.

I explore and discover the inner depths of me

smiling and laughing with mirth and glee.


I feel and sense I’m alive and new

I know inside me, what I now need to do.

To feel and BE all that I am

to choose to share everything I can.


My talents, my musings, my knowledge and growth

To inspire what I really know the most,

It’s my love for mother earth and so much more,

so I’m ready to tip-toe through that forest door.


I feel the shift, the change energetically

I experience things I could not fathom or see.

I sense the change, the vibration resounds

My feet, my senses detect it through the ground.


It is intelligent, loving, kind and wise

It’s consciousness of a much grander size.

Its feeling connected to the universe

it’s so simple, you need only look into yourself.


To feel the magic, the tingles and hope

to reawaken the magnificent ultimate bespoke….


Of a world where we live in loving partnership with earth

With all of her animals, plants, seas, skies and dirt.

To love, care and honour the earth for she is our home

so we create peace, joy and magic wherever we roam.


Mother Nature Comes Alive Within

As i sat in my backyard one day and reflected on the unease in my body, I felt that familiar irritation of discontent. I could observe my mind was busy and i felt far from centered and present.

No matter how much you try to will yourself through the mind to relax, force never brings peace. So i brought my awareness into the present moment…let go of judgement…focused on my breathing and observed  my body relax and mind slow down. All those wonderful Mindfulness techniques that i know so well. 

Ahhhh..then there was a shift i could sense, a spaciousness opened up in me and i became immersed in the most magical experience!!


Nature spoke to me so easily when i was simply BEING and engaged in a felt sense of aliveness– read on to hear more!


As I sit in Nature’s still breeze, it appears asleep, with no movement of life. Quietness prevails.

However, perhaps is it ME who is the one asleep?

Below my feet nature and earth pulsate, moving silently with ripples of Telluric energy. It is vibrant and alive.

As I tune into this energy, it awakens me from my slumber of mental distraction and disconnection.

I bring down my barriers, let go of seeing with my thinking mind and open to a pure sensory delight!

My body tingles and I sense an openness unfold around me. A subtle opening into a dimension that exists as pure sensory experience, a way of being that no amount of thinking would ever achieve.

The sparkling leaves twinkle down at me as the sun throws rainbows of light in all directions. The breeze intimately caresses my skin, its coolness reawakening the innate aliveness that is within me.

The sweet chirping of birds transmits high notes of delight as I sense their delicate vibrations passing through me, recalibrating me to that lightness, pureness and deliciousness of Being.

I melt and merge into Mother Nature’s embrace. I am one with her and her with I.

There is a deep sense of peace…a wholeness…..a coming back home….a belonging fulfilled.

In this space my Soul’s energy flows into my human body, my heart opens and I expand into  radiant light.


Calmness deepens…timelessness prevails…..